Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Who is going to be responsible for driving the drunk bus to Spokane, WA to watch the USA vs. Canada Women's Olympic Hockey exhibition game Friday night?

Where is Rhett when you need him geez!

P.S. Please comment on why you voted the way you did. This is a binding poll.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This is Grant dressed up as Smokey the Bear when he worked for the Forest Service this summer. Check out the cubscout....classic.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Poll

Who is it gonna be?


Hockey is back... BOO-YAH!!!

Just as the NHL opens their regular season with two matches in Europe, the Palouse Pond Hockey Crew will open their competitive season at the annual Hocktoberfest tournament down in Lewiston, ID:

After a summer of strenuous conditioning at the Alehouse and a few spirited exhibition games the final cuts for the opening tourney have been made. Without further ado I wish to announce the current roster/depth chart for Polous Construction.

Polous Construction 2009-2010:


1t) Nate Anderson OR
1t) Skippy AKA "Jeff Farrell"
3) Andy Norton
4) Rob ???
5) Matt Childers


1) JD Polous
2t) Jamie Bockelman OR
2t) Julie Edwards
4) Max Feldspar


1) Nate Strom
2) Matt Childers
3) JD Polous
4) Zack Thurmond
5) Max Feldspar

Tournament Schedule:

Friday (10/2) Home vs. Away

7:30 (PM ) Polous Construction vs. KC

Saturday (10/3)

8:30 (AM) Polous Construction vs. Natty Light
4:30 (PM) Yakima vs. Polous Construction
9:30 (PM)
Polous Construction vs. Tri-Cities

Sunday (10/4)


Should be an awesome tournament. Weeda is out of state so injuries shouldn't be a problem this year.

Check back often for score updates you bastards.